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Knowledge-Base: Most Frequently Asked Questions

Where does your Sparktype come from?

Does your Sparktype change/can you change it?

What if you don’t like/want your Sparktype?

Does your Sparktype change/can you change it?

How does your Sparktype relate to motivation?

How does your Sparktype relate to passing?

How does your Sparktype relate to purpose?

What’s the methodology behind the Sparktype

How do I know what jobs work with my Sparktype?

Does your Sparktype have to be your job/career?

How does your Sparktype relate to leadership?

How does your Sparktype relate to engagement?

How does your Sparktype relate to burnout?

How does your Sparktype relate to happiness?

How does your Sparktype relate to flow?

How does your Sparktype relate to performance?

How does your Sparktype relate to meaning?

How do the Sparktype compare to other asssessments?

How can I bring the Sparktype into organization?

Do you train professional or offer programming?

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