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Discovering your Sparketype® was a revelation. Now, it's time to go deeper, so you can rise higher and dream bigger in work and life.
You’ve discovered the 3 key elements of your Sparketype® Profile.
Nearly 800,000 people have taken the assessment. For most of them, learning their Sparketype is a revelation. Maybe, that’s you, too.
You feel seen, not for the mask you’ve so often found yourself wearing in work and life, but for who you truly are. It’s a feeling of validation–who you’ve always known yourself to be, even if you’ve never owned or shared it publicly. Or, felt empowered to build your career around it.
The seeds of possibility have been planted.
And, there’s a question simmering…
The logical next step: go deeper.
The true power of your Sparketype Profile comes when you make the choice to deepen into it, get to know yourself, your hidden scripts, drivers, impulses, behaviors and tendencies, the ones that have controlled so many past experiences (for the better and worse), on an entirely different level.
This deep-dive into Sparked self-knowledge changes everything.
It sets you up to make better-informed decisions and take powerful actions designed to finally transform work from something you endure into:
- Something that makes you come alive
- Something that wakes you up in the morning energized and excited to dive in
- Something that truly matters, lets you step into your full identity and potential, and gives you a sense of purpose and possibility
How will I take this critical next step?
We’ve done all the heavy lifting for you, drawing upon:
- Years of research
- Insight from our global database of 800,000 people and 40-million data-points
- Our rapidly-growing, proprietary library of use-cases, experiences, and stories
- Intel from the in-the-field experience of over 100 Certified Sparketype Advisors
- Our work bringing the Sparketypes into some of the biggest organizations in the world…
We’ve accumulated a stunning amount of new wisdom about every Sparketype, how they work together (or not), how they’re expressed in different domains, positions, types of work, how they drive decisions, behavior (even when we’re unaware of it), and how, understood on a deeper level, they can be harnessed to create extraordinary, positive change in our work and lives.
And, we’ve distilled these insights into the all-new SPARKETYPE Premium Profile.
Your Sparketype Premium Profile is not a “generic, one-size-fits-all” report.
It is tailored to your unique Sparketype Profile, and only yours, generated in real-time using our cutting-edge, dynamic digital production platform, and you can download and read it as a PDF on nearly any electronic device, in a matter of minutes.
In your Sparketype Premium Profile, you’ll immerse yourself in more than 60-pages of eye-opening insights, answers, guidance, and wisdom. It’s all about YOU!
Here’s what you’ll get in your Sparketype Premium Profile:
- Sparketype Profile 10X Deep-Dive - Discover far more in-depth insights about your 3 Sparketype elements, fueling wisdom and possibility on an entirely different level.
- Revealing look into how others often see you - Learn how people perceive you, and how they describe you (though they’ll rarely ever tell you) when you’re sparked.
- Key behavioral intel - See your Sparketype’s common unconscious patterns, and how these hidden impulses either enable or shut down your ability to come alive.
- Where your Sparketype stumbles - Discover where your Sparketype may lead you off-the-rails and into struggle-mode, and how to avoid getting derailed.
- Rare insights into “Sparketype Overload” - Understand how and why the very thing that lights you up, can actually burn you out and deplete you when done “wrong.”
- Your Sparketype Profile at Work - Unlock key insights about how your Sparketype often shows up in different types of work environments, and how to harness its power.
- Your Sparketype Profile on Teams - Learn how to bring your Sparketypes into teamwork in a way that both makes you come alive, and positions you for growth on a team.
- Your Sparketype Profile when Leading - Tap your Sparketype Profile to become a more effective, inspiring, connected, confident, and even beloved leader.
- Your Sparketype in Remote Work - Unlock the power of your Sparketype Profile in remote work settings, and avoid creating experiences that stifle you.
- Your Sparketype Profile in Entrepreneurship - Learn how to leverage the power of your Sparketype when starting your own business, practice, or endeavor.
- Your Unique Workplace Triggers - Gain a clearer understanding of the unique workplace triggers that people with your Sparketype Profile often bump up against, and what to do about them so they don’t derail you or your career trajectory.
- SPARKED Career Roadmap & “Jobs to Consider” List - Learn how we approach starting to figure out how to spark your work, and discover a curated “starter list” of jobs that may align well with your unique Sparketype profile.
How to download your Sparketype Premium Profile now.
Upgrade to your Sparketype Premium Profile now!

What people are saying about the all new Sparketype Premium Profile
Answers to questions you might have.